Tuesday, October 8, 2013

A River Runs Through It!

I like to get out in Nature as much as I can! I especially love hiking in Autumn. One of the smartest things Urban Planners did in the suburbs of Chicago was to create beautiful forest and prairie preserves with easy access. One of my favorite hikes is along the Des Plaines River...on a stunning Fall day... it is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon!

A little history of the area...

The river today...one of many vistas along the way...

Pussy Willows are so fabulous in abundance...

they symbolize Autumn to me and I just can't get enough...as you can see...

beautiful marshes filled with flowing grasses are also a fave...

I love this bridge...

There is very little Fall color yet.. (which is unusual) but I managed to see a bit just beginning....


This old lumpy tree reminded me of a scary forest...do you see the profile of the troll in the tree?

We passed over a babbling brook...

and a dry creek bed...

More views along the river...we walked for an hour without seeing another person!


The older I get the more I appreciate majestic trees...aren't they magnificent?

Off the main paths are sweet green forests...I will be back in a few weeks to enjoy all the Autumn color!


The main trails look like this...again...empty on a beautiful Sunday afternoon!

A little refreshment can be found in this antique pump...great for watering kids and pets! lol


Are you out and about exploring Nature this Fall? I highly recommend it! Happy Tuesday!

                              XO Emily









  1. A marvelous preserve! How smart to have preserved this precious place!

  2. What a beautiful place ... I see why you love it! We have a nice trail area to walk and run the dogs ... but it cannot compare! xo



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