Monday, August 20, 2012

Gardens in the Sky...

I have always been so intrigued by gardens that grow on rooftops...the more elaborate the better! I love the irony and contradiction of seeing something so lush and green thrive amidst a concrete is like a wonderful surprise in the sky!

Here are some interesting aerial shots of Manhattan and Queens...going green....

Other wonderful rooftops...



If I lived in an urban setting these days this would be a must for me!

Here is the rooftop of Chicago's City Hall...

This garden isn't on a rooftop but how wonderful is this?

Even if you don't have a rooftop to work can still go vertical with "green stuff" in a unique and creative way.....LOVE this image...

(Merci': DailyMail, Rooftop Gardens Flowering Book, USAHome and Garden,, ArticlesfortheHome,


  1. Love these rooftop gardens. No matter where we end up living ... we all need some green space ... it is just necessary!! xo

  2. They are amazing. Love them. I have always been intrigued by the concept.

  3. I am so glad to have stumbled upon your blog. I have much catching up to do so off to pour over your previous posts. Regards, Lisa

    1. Thanks for visiting Lisa! I am going to stumble over to your blog too! :)

    2. Wow- what wonderful images on your post today!! I love anything that gives me that wonderful aesthetic of being beach-side! I tried to comment on your blog but couldn't...blocked by the filters...they can be annoying! I know it happens once in awhile on certain blogs that require the word verification type in...maybe you can remove it?



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