Friday, August 17, 2012

An Ode to the White Blouse...

One item of clothing I seem to always be "hunting" for...unsuccessfully I might the perfect white blouse.


I want a perfect "weekend white"... to wear with jeans or comfy...(yes those two words should come together in one great blouse). Maybe something a little boho...

Something like this would be perfect if a bit shorter...add a belt...leggings and get the drift... a bit "Pirates of Penzance"....but I love it!!

A Summer one with a little embroidery would be right up my alley too....just a tad more fitted.


I want a dressy one too...all frilly in all the right places to dress up a great skirt or jeans....




I'd also like one with a crisp collar that I could wear under jackets...tight fitting without being too tight or bulky....



                             (Merci': NewLady)
etc. etc...

                             (Merci': ThatFashionIcon)

  (Merci': WeHeartIt)

                             (Merci': Style Runway)

    (Merci':FortheLoveof Pretty)

                            (Merci': WeHeartIt)


As another "hunting season" begins in earnest for me on the white blouse front....what are you hunting for this Season?


  1. wahooo - Chic Chic Chic! love a good white blouse

  2. I have to admit that I have been hunting for the perfect white blouse for years and years!!! Every time I think I've found it...It doesn't end up in my closet. Who knows why? Either price, putting time into upkeep....I hate to iron....
    I would still like one that I could wear with jeans (not tucked in) iron...with long sleeves. (at my age, one covers the arms)



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