Thursday, August 16, 2012

Garden Paths

Meandering down a garden path (literally or proverbially ) a trip that I find...interesting...and most are a few "literal" examples as we head into Friday...I am in the mood to meander this about you?

(Merci': Tumbler, The LittleCorner,ScullandDoors, Seersucker Magnolia, OliviaThe, LovlieGreenie, DrugMartt, A Perfect Serendipity)


  1. Oh these images Emily!! Make me want to meander this weekend ... I am moving at a faster pace with family things ... but these will remain in my mind to keep me focused!! The calm will come ... soon I hope!! xoxo

  2. Hello!
    Every day, We are looking forward to a nice blog.
    It is a nice house. Guess strawberry field is.
    Beautiful pond is similar to the Japanese style.
    Thank you!
    From Japan.
    Ryoma Sakamoto.



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