Thursday, September 12, 2013

I'm back!

RueDeEmily has been on it's first real hiatus as Summer drew to a close this year...I MISSED my blogging community but I had a few things that were preoccupying my days.

It seems like every year getting the kids ready for school is a bigger, more complicated endeavor...more shopping, more details, etc. I also had to organize and prepare for gallbladder surgery which was performed earlier this week....

I had been very uncomfortable most of the Summer and knew that I needed the surgery- but this is the one time in my life where I procrastinated. I just wasn't thrilled to go "under the knife" (as if anyone ever is)!

I decided to finally have the surgery when the kids went back to school and frankly my discomfort escalated.  I learned a few life lessons through this experience that I thought I would share...

First, I am very blessed to have a loving husband who was there for me every moment... I wasn't prepared for the vulnerability I felt as a result of the surgery.

I am a pretty "in charge" kind of gal and was surprised how this experience really made me see and appreciate his strength and witness the true expression of love from a partner...I love you're a keeper!

Note to self:  Remember this the next time he forgets something on a grocery run or makes the wrong shirt!

We spent the day before the surgery getting "zen" along favorite beach front locales minutes from our house..I wanted to be in nature since I knew that I would be inside for the better part of a week...and I was...I couldn't even get in and out of bed without assistance. Thank goodness my husband is a strong guy...


Whenever I feel stressed there is something about the beach that centers me and leaves me feeling calm...Nature's Prozac!

We spent hours watching the light the time we left I was ready to go....we arrived at the hospital by 5 a.m. first thing Monday morning.

My dear friends also made me feel so loved this week... texting me with encouraging words, bringing meals, magazines, rides for my children and company when I needed it...the upside of surgery! I LOVE my "besties" and they enrich my life in so many ways....thank you so much ladies!

One of my girlfriends works in anesthesia at one of the leading hospitals in the city and made sure I was taken care of in a special way through the whole process...I am so grateful for her support and intervention to make sure I got top notch care! She also brought me a lovely "get well" bouquet!

Another clever note and gift left at my door....

This beautiful display of affection arrived from a few took my breath away and it still looks stunning days later...

My kids and other family members (who live at a distance) were there with loving messages!

All I can say is that I am so grateful for all the loves in my life, good health, 

 XO.... Emily





  1. Oh so happy you are back and feeling better Emily. I cannot even imagine what you have been through the past few weeks. You are surrounded by lots of love and family and that is absolutely the best! Hugs to you! xo

    1. Today feeling a bit more normal! So happy to hear from you!

  2. Emily I am so happy you are on the road to recovery. You have wonderful support and love all around you. Get strong, fast. I missed your blogs and I am glad you are back.

    1. Thanks Patty for your nice words of comfort and support! I missed you too!

  3. Wow, you certainly had a difficult time of it. My sister had her gallbladder removed (keyhole)and walked out of the hospital on her own, and barely changed her schedule. Did you have more complicated gallbladder surgery?

  4. I think surgery (like pregnancy) is often different for everyone...I expected it to be like your sister's experience but it was a bit tougher...I have heard various accounts too as people relay stories! Thanks for visiting!



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