Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pete Townshend is a fan!

My friend and workout buddy Karen Hohman is also a talented collage artist. Here is a sample of her work. Her online gallery can be found at http://www.karenhohman.com/ Recently,  Pete Townshend (yes- that Pete Townshend) received one of her pieces as a gift and sent her the following note that she gave me permission to share as something fun....

Dear Karen

Thank you for the painting. I love it, that's saying something because it's very rare for me to receive a gift that I like. I intend to display it on one of my boats - it is perfect.

These days I still sail my Laser, but I also race big boats and frequently win or do OK. I was placed second in the 2010 Newport Bucket on day 2. Of course on a big boat I just sit on deck and watch - and say NOTHING. Then we might win! If I suggest anything at all, or take the helm, we slow down.

We may meet one day when I'm out your way.

Best wishes for 2011, hope you sell some stuff, you can say I'm a fan on your web site - because it's TRUE!!


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