Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Jane Austen

Jane Austen is one of my favorite writers.  I have read all of her books like so many women throughout history since she has been in print. Not only was she the First Lady of the Romance Novel she also had such wit and the abilility to portray characters with such keen observance. She has given generations a real "snapshot" into the lives of  English genteel society during the Regency Period. I have loved all of the movies that have been done of her classic books as well.  My favorite book being, Pride and Prejudice (both the BBC production starring Colin Firth and the latest version from Director Joe Wright starring Keira Knightley are great visual adaptations). Even though Jane Austen died when she was only 42 (1775-1817) what a legacy she has left behind! A woman (me) in 2011 is passing on her love of her novels to her daughter and so on and so on....thank you Jane!

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