Friday, February 24, 2012

I've been tagged...

Tiffany at Worthwhile Domicile tagged me in a fun little blogging game ...ala... the Proust Questionaire for Bloggers.

In this scenario, Mademoiselle Tiffany came up with the questions instead of Monsieur Proust and she tagged a few other bloggers to answer them.... and since it is Friday and I am up for a little lighthearted fun today... here we go.....

1. What is your favorite color in clothes and design?

If I have to pick one color that always works it would be white!

                              (Merci': LustforFashion)
                    (Merci': NothingButPennyCandy)
                             (Merci': brunamuratori)

            (Merci': IMGfave)
                                  (Merci': ninipoppininteriors)
                       (Merci': particularpoetry)

..... but I also LOVE any color found at the beach- sea foam blues, sandy beiges, brown hued stones, teal sea glass, grey get the idea!

2. If you could look like anyone who would it be? Sophia Loren...she has aged beautifully and gracefully!

                                                        (Merci': Deedoolife)
(Merci'; PreppyHandBook)
(Merci': Picanese)

and recently featured in Vanity her home in Geneva, Switzerland.

3. Are you a morning person or a night owl? Both...depends on the particular day or night!

                               (Merci': LookfortheBeauty)

                 (Merci': Screechings)

4. Chocolate or Vanilla? Oh this is tough...chocolate everything except ice cream...then it is Vanilla all the way!

                                           (Merci': shinecandies)

                                           (Merci': WeHeartIt)
5. City or country? Country close to the City!

                       (Merci': Flickr)

6. Twilight or Trueblood( basically glitter or traditional can't go in the sunlight vampires)? Yes I'm 12. 

Twilight if only for the glitter!

7. Do you prefer a home cooked meal or going out to a restaurant? Home Cooked Meal (if the host or hostess can cook-otherwise it is a restaurant RUN!)

and if I am eating sushi.....out is preferable....especially if I can go to Los Angeles...

8. High heels or flats? High Heels all the way!!


9. Have you ever received a really nasty comment and how did you respond? I haven't received any really nasty comments that I can remember...thank goodness!

10. Summer, Fall, Winter, or Spring? Summertime, Summertime!

                 (Merci': BlondeWaves)
11. What's the most adventurous thing you've ever done?  I like scuba diving, whitewater rafting, exploring new lands etc..... but when I really think about it ...the most adventurous thing I've ever done is..... When I was 21 years young I packed up all my belongings and drove to Los Angeles from the Midwest in my 1974 Buick Sylark convertible with only 800 dollars in my pocket... ready for adventure! I had no job or place to stay but I ended up staying five years and having the time of my life and built a career!  
 here I am in sunny southern California in all my 1980's glory.....


  1. I love that you put pictures with the answers. I was way too lazy. Love Sophia Loren and I actually pinned those shoes in a different color. I so want them!
    By the way, that is very adventurous and brave to pick up and move to a new city by yourself. I don't think I could that.



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