Monday, January 9, 2012

Ines discusses "Dressing Your Age"...

Ines has some interesting things to say on this topic. She dictates never to allow yourself to get stuck in a style adopted at one particular age of your life because it will age you instantly.

She thinks this is especially dangerous once you past 40 when it is tempting to keep dressing as you did when you were 30. Usually in your 40's this is the time in your life when you are feeling your best. You are comfortable in your own skin, and life is full of possibilities and good things- an exciting career, children, love, etc. When you turn 40 you often feel young and mature at  the same time and you don't want it to stop.

At 40 many women start asking themselves...can I still get away with this? Here are some basic rules.

Stay interested.

                             (Merci': HeartsataCarnival)

    (Merci': Mandhy)

Never follow fashion blindly.



Always mix chic and cheap.

Don't dress like a teenager.



Be bold.





Avoid cliches.

                                 (Merci': WMagazine)

Change your jewelry regularly.

Don't feel obliged to buy "fun" clothes.


Loafers, Ballet flats and Converse tennis shoes suit everybody.


Get dressed listening to " Dead Flowers" by the Rolling Stones.

Know that aging well isn't just about what you wear....

    (Merci': Softbeauty)

                            (Merci': SunshineandPearls)



I am doing a series of posts (with my own visual interpretations) from Ines de la Fressange's new book entitled Parisian Chic. If you want to start at the beginning click here.



  1. I am impressed by your reference!! I admire her very much. She is the quintessential Parisian!



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