Sunday, January 8, 2012

A Saturday Stroll...

As many of you know when you get a warm, sun-soaked day in January in the Midwest it is simply a gift. We have had a few warm days this week so today after sleeping in (which puts any day in the "gift" category immediately for me) I gathered the troops and we went out for a walk down to the beach, through a ravine or two and then back home for a hot jacuzzi! Warm for us Midwesterners in January is temps in the mid 40's. With the sun shining it feels much warmer and being able to wear regular workout gear for an outing is so appreciated.

I am always struck by how beautiful Nature can be in every season. That is the primary reason I moved back to the Midwest from perennially sunny California. I love all four seasons. Most would tell you that January is not at the top of their list of most beautiful months in the Midwest. I think the Winter months often deliver a subtler beauty that just takes a little more unearthing (pun intended). I also love all the textures that are more apparent in the barren months. Come along with me on our little adventure and let me know if you don't agree.

In the middle of a grove of trees a random little Christmas ornament hung alone on the branches...such a delightful little suprise!

1 comment:

  1. How utterly beautiful, I really would love a weekend away out in the middle of nature, I feel so cooped up by our horrible weather.



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