Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Decorating the Dining Room...

 Our dining room is "ornament central" before any decorating begins...the bins from storage in the basement are carefully scattered all over the floor and I begin "unpacking" for what seems like an eternity so that I can see what I have to work with again this year...

I love this process because every year I am continually surprised and delighted again and again with each unwrapping because I always seem to forget certain ornaments or smile at the ones that bring back fond memories...

This year I was inspired by these fabulously fragrant rosemary topiary... I just had to have them when I ran into a local nursery...

I didn't have any pots big enough (or with the right vibe) so I made my own pots out of a bunch of white shells that I had collected over time and a regular garden pot... first I painted a regular terra cotta clay pot white with a bright white paint I already owned...

At first I just lined the pots with reindeer moss as you can see above (which is how they will remain after the holidays) but I wanted to zshoosh them up a bit for Christmas! So I added dried cockscomb for some pink zing!

Since the plain white pot looked too boring I decided to add the shells for a bit more fun...and texture...

 Any pre-mixed white grout will work...that is what I used to adhere the shells very quickly..


The faux presents moved to the floor so I could set up a sparkly festive bar!

I liked the direction things were going in but I needed an interesting bloom for my center vase....

So I found hot pink amaryllis stems...perfect for the holiday season! Although in a pinch when these are done I will try hot pink hydrangea and then maybe some fuchsia roses.

I  had to call this look..."Coastal Christmas"... for my husband since he didn't "get" the shelled pots... he said shells have nothing to do with Christmas....(men)! Since the room is full of a shell motif already ...I decided to go further with it... for the moment!

Color coordinated "faux" presents fill the window seat....

I found the large blue mercury ball and decided it would go "under glass" for the holidays...and then maybe I will put it out in the garden this Summer.

After the ornaments are on the tree I  can enjoy my Christmas table once again...and think about planning my holiday table!

       I can't believe tomorrow is Wednesday already this week- time is flying by these days!!
                             XO Emily

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