Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Driveways that Deliver and Doors that Beckon!

I love unusual driveway design...and I have to say on my recent trip to Charleston, South Carolina I saw a number of wonderfully creative solutions to the standard fare....

Here is one of my ultimate faves....

This one offered an elegant driveway and garage...with a great balcony as well...

Simple but lovely....

and who can resist a great cobblestone street...except my car and high heels...not so good on either!

I have a fixation with doors and no matter where I am I like to collect images of doors I find interesting and are a few that caught my eye in Charleston...

I love a classic like this...don't you?

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I would just love a small pretty driveway pulling up to one of these little courtyards!! One day ... maybe!! xo

  2. The most basic of elements can give the most impact! These driveways and doors are charming, classic and express a wonderful lifestyle of Simplicity!
    Charleston is a wonderful City. It has so much personality!

  3. I love big, solid doors surrounded by some foliage - these are all lovely.



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