Friday, August 3, 2012

Art Project!

During one recent "hot spell" I decided to make my body temp go even higher with a custom art project I began in my garage...I think the temps registered at 98 degrees when I got the "fever" and laid out some large paper rolls, a lot of turquoise, teal and blue ink and a lawn/leaf blower and began to "experiment" with modern art!

Exhibit A...(I decided to spare you B and C)

As you can see I decided to leave the Jackson Pollock "treatment" to Jackson Pollock (RIP)...the vibe was very interesting and somewhat cool...but NOT the look I was attempting for my family room... but very fun to do! There was something really freeing about blowing paint with a powerful lawn tool!

I am the kind of artist that gets as much mess on myself as possible no matter what!

Then it came to me in a flash (as the best ideas usually do)....I decided I needed to create a large (5 ft. plus) La Dolce Vita  (aka "The Sweet Life") in a deep teal blue green (although it looks just blue in the lighting of these pictures). Even though I don't usually love WORDS as ART... I am Italian and the phrase is what I am all about creating.... so what better graphic for the hub and heart of our home....

I drew the letters with the paint brush and started playing around with script and letter the paint dried I was already playing with frame choices....

I took it to the framer and went with my first instinct... a great gold frame.....

and is my new custom piece of Art for my family room.......

I know this isn't for everyone and I will tell you that it doesn't photograph as well as it looks in person .....(PROMISE)....but the bold graphic is JUST what this space needed! Have a "DOLCE" weekend! See you Monday! XO


  1. Emily! I love it! What makes it even so much more spectacular is the size!! Way to go Big!!

  2. It looks great. I can't believe that you freehand it! The gold frame is the icing on the cake.

    1. Thanks Linda! I am better when I freehand vs. when I pencil it first...the pressure somehow makes it come out better! :)

  3. Oh, how I love when inspiration hits an you go with it! Great results! The drama of the size is magnificent. The frame is perfect.

    1. Thanks so much Linda...I have to say I am loving it in the space!

  4. AWWW thank you so much for sweet words on my blog:)and WOW what a nice pic you have on that wall:)

    I hope you come and visit me soon, I have more Swedish inspiration for you:)
    Have a great day.

    LOVE Maria at

  5. I love it!

    1. Thanks Nancy...I appreciate the is one of those things that isn't for husband looked at me as if I had lost it! :)

  6. Wow! Love it....and I love the gold frame with the navy paint. So pretty!

  7. I love it. LOVE the size!

  8. I think it looks amazing and funnily enough it's what I titled my post yesterday.
    The gold swans are fab! I've just been trying to 'Emilise' a round table, you are so good at accessorising.



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