My daughter Lily has a late December birthday which has always made it challenging for any "big" party as so many of her friends have always been gone during the holidays.
For as long as I can remember she has had one request...a big, blowout Sixteenth birthday please!
(hand made invitations for 80 being prepped...a tea bag was inserted with specifics re the party)
Well this was the year...not only can I not believe I have a "driving" sixteen year old but I can't believe this party which took so much prep and planning is now a memory....
We held the tea party for 80 of her friends at our local Art Center...
My husband built this huge 9ft. X 11 ft. "step and repeat" for photographs of all the ladies as they entered the party...and we custom made a "Lily Logo" for use throughout the party...
Simple vinyl tablecloths and duck tape were used to create a fun "pink carpet" entry....
Everyone from guests to party helpers took their turn....

My husband and son helped out as door men for the day....
Andrea from Andrea's Delectable Desserts made all the treats...including this amazing cake as well as all the tea sandwiches....
I created centerpieces for each table with giant tea cups and cake stands to hold the make-up designed fondant treats...this past Summer I found these zebra teacups in the garden section of Walmart (of all places)...I toured many Walmarts in order to collect 10!
The center table was accessible from both sides of the room and over 25 feet long....
The birthday girl arriving for her big day!
Tea Sandwiches were made with a "flower" theme...I have a "Lily" after all...
Delicious homemade scones with lemon curd and strawberry jam and clotted cream were all part of the fare...
I have used these mannequin heads for other parties and store front displays...they came in handy again. I had collected all these make-up containers from different brands and didn't really know what to do with them until I had this epiphany...
There were six of these fun gals spread throughout the room...

My talented girlfriend created a custom painting to celebrate the day...which we proudly displayed at the place card table....
Lily created a special guestbook for everyone to sign as well...including a picture of her with each guest through the years....
Custom tea bags were placed at each well as a nail polish as a hostess gift....

Each table was named for a different make-up line...guests were seated at Chanel, Smashbox, Bobbi Brown, Benefit....instead of just table 1,2, 3, etc...
More party pics....
We created a fun Art project with a make-up theme as a contest among the tables... I enlarged simple blank make-up sheets (you know what the make-up artist uses to show patrons what make-up they used and how)...and the girls competed with random "mystery bags filled with make-up" to create one of a kind art...
The girls got quite creative....
The best part of the whole experience was the collective fun Lily and I had planning the party months ahead of time....
Also the support and fun the days leading up to the party from my girlfriends who provided free decorating labor and clean-up expertise!!
Gotta love my "besties" ...they always come through to help turn my "visions" into a reality!!
If you are interested to see what I did with the left over here!
XO Emily
Adorable! Those little tea sandwiches of flowers were amazing. Loved the "pink" carpet! Happy lifetime memories for your daughter!