Monday, December 5, 2011

Winter Wonderlands...

    (Merci': BubbleSoda)

        (Merci': BuddaInteriors)


                              (Merci': C-hristmas)

    (Merci': Schoengeistig)


      (Merci': Tumblr)

(Merci': WeHeartIt)

     (Merci':Elpin Cake)

                        (Merci': Fuath)

                               (Merci': HeartbeatOz)

(Merci': TheBohemianBible)

We love the snow! In fact, my children wake up most mornings these days longing for the first big snow of the season...which is as exciting each new Winter as it was the year before! Snow is one of Nature's most beautiful gifts! I love getting out in it as much as possible. I also love being inside... warm and cozy... and watching it fall! Looking at all these wonderful pictures makes me long for that first big snowfall....just like the kids....any day now!

(Merci': Co-Zy)

(Merci': AutumnCashmere)


(Merci': Dandyman)